Join our Team

All job postings for Protective Services appear under Staff/Faculty career opportunties under the title Platoon Team Member. Potential applicants must apply online through the job listing page, but will also be required to complete the application section of the Recruit Information package.
Protective Services offers a new and exciting career, excellent benefits and a competitive salary. Great care is taken to ensure the right people are selected to become Special Constables under The Police Act, 1990, and to represent the University of Saskatchewan.
Once selected, you will commence training: The first few months will involve a combination of classroom and on the job instruction in traffic enforcement, criminal investigations, and court proceedings. You will also receive training in such topics as self-defense, officer safety and emergency preparedness.
As a member of the USask Protective Services you will be granted a high level of authority, responsibility and community status within both the University of Saskatchewan and the City of Saskatoon.
Minimum requirements are outlined in the recruit package and include excellent physical condition. Applicants should be prepared to pass a physical abilities test immediately. An eight week POPAT Preparation Program is available through the College of Kinesiology

You may either mail or drop off your fully completed application package to the following address:
Protective Services
University of Saskatchewan
129, 72 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B5
Attention: Recruiting
Phone: (306) 966-5555