16.1 Named Holidays

The Employer recognizes the following as paid holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • Family Day
  • Good Friday
  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day
  • Saskatchewan Day
  • Labour Day
  • The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Remembrance Day
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day.

Any date proclaimed as a public holiday by the provincial or federal government will be deemed to be a holiday for employees providing this does not duplicate holiday provisions above.

The Employer will attempt to accommodate the interests of employees in their religious or cultural observances. Accommodation of religious or cultural observances which are in addition to the holidays provided for in the Collective Agreement will be taken as vacation leave, earned time off, or leave without pay.

16.2 Compensation for Holiday Falling on Saturday or Sunday

When any of the above-noted holidays falls on a Saturday or Sunday and is not proclaimed as being observed on some other day, the Associate Vice-President, People and Resources, shall notify the Union, in advance of the applicable calendar year of what day will be deemed the holiday for the purposes of this Collective Agreement.

16.3 Compensation for Holiday Falling on an Employee’s Regular Working Day

When the actual day of any of the above holidays falls on an Employee’s regularly scheduled day of work, the employee shall:


be given the day off without loss of pay; or


if the employee works, be paid at the rate of double time in addition to regular semi-monthly salary. If it is mutually agreed, the employee may choose to take a portion (up to one (1) day) of the above compensation in time off.

16.4 Compensation for Holiday Falling on an Employee’s Regular Day Off

When the actual day of any of the above holidays falls on an Employee’s regularly scheduled day of rest, the employee shall:


be given an additional day off or, if this is not possible, one (1) additional day's pay; or


if the employee works, the employee will be paid at the rate of double time in addition to regular semi-monthly salary. In addition, the employee's day off will be rescheduled to another day by mutual agreement; however, if this is not possible the employee shall be given one (1) additional day's pay.

16.5 Casual, Recurring Relief and Student Employees

Payment of holiday pay to casual, recurring relief and student employees in respect of University holidays will be in accordance with The Saskatchewan Employment Act.