
The following regular hours of work are in effect:

Group A

Clerical and Library Group: thirty-five (35) hours paid per week, seven (7) hours paid per day.
Group B Animal and Poultry Science (Farm): thirty-eight (38) hours paid per week which may be balanced over a two (2) week period with a maximum of forty-five (45) hours paid in any one week.
Horticulture: thirty-eight (38) hours paid per week, 7.6 hours paid per day.
Culinary Services, Maintenance and Trades, Caretakers, Technical: thirty-eight (38) hours paid per week, 7.6 hours paid per day, five (5) consecutive days unless otherwise mutually agreed. Technician IV working hours by mutual agreement with Dean, Administrative Head or designate.
Group C Steam Plant and Security: thirty-eight (38) hours paid per week, 7.6 hours paid per day. Alternatively, employees in Group C may be required to work modified schedules (10 or 12 hours).

23.2 Earned Days Off

a) Earned Days Off

Employees will have the right to earned days off (EDO) provided levels of service and productivity can be maintained without additional costs. Employees who disagree with their EDO schedule may appeal in writing to the next appropriate level of authority.

Group A
Eligible employees currently working a thirty-five (35) hour paid work week will be required to work fourteen (14) days at seven and a half (7.5) hours per day to earn one (1) day off. After completing fourteen (14) work days at seven and a half (7.5) hours per day, employees will accumulate an earned day off (EDO) at seven (7) hours paid as designated by a rotational schedule established by the department. However, this may not be suitable in every work area in which case alternative work schedules may be developed.

Group B and C
Eligible employees currently working a thirty-eight (38) hour paid work week will be required to work nineteen (19) days at eight (8) hours per day to earn one (1) day off. After completing nineteen (19) work days at eight (8) hours per day, employees will be eligible for an earned day off (EDO) at 7.6 hours paid as designated by a rotational schedule established by the department. However, this may not be suitable in every work area in which case alternative EDO schedules may be developed.

b) Part-time employees

May be considered for Earned Day Off (EDO) eligibility on a case by case basis where in the opinion of the Employer it would be operationally feasible to do so.

c) General Provisions Regarding Earned Days Off

  1. Schedules under this alternative may vary, but as general principles:
    1. Hours of work will be altered in a way which will permit those participating to take full days off.
    2. Wherever possible, time off will be given in conjunction with normal days of rest, vacation, or in blocks of time.
    3. Schedules may be modified from time to time to meet special needs of work units, but schedules will not be altered unreasonably.
    4. Accumulated time will be taken within a year of being earned.
  2. Unless otherwise indicated, days off are treated as normal days of rest.
  3. Sick leave and vacation utilization is recorded consistent with Article 17 and Article 18 and is based on actual hours absent to the maximum hours of work for the position.
  4. Additional time worked in order to accumulate time off shall not constitute overtime, nor shall it result in any additional premium pay.
  5. For the purpose of accumulating the earned day off, sick, vacation and banked time will be counted based on the appropriate longer working day.

23.3 Hours of Work Over Christmas Season

Given that the University is closed from December 25 to January 1 inclusive, there will be no option for employees to work during this time except where the Employer declares it is not possible to allow certain employees the time off during this period.

Full-time permanent, term, active seasonal and part-time employees shall receive time off with pay consistent with their regular scheduled hours of work during this period in which the University is closed.

Where the Employer declares it is not possible to allow certain employees time off during this period in which the University is closed, employees will be granted time off in lieu of the equivalent time worked. This time in lieu will be determined by mutual agreement between the employee and Dean, Administrative Head or designate.

23.4 Coffee Breaks

Employees who work full days will be permitted two (2) fifteen (15) minute coffee breaks or one (1) half (1/2) hour coffee break per shift, as distances warrant. Employees who work half days (minimum four (4) hours) are entitled to one (1) fifteen (15) minute coffee break. Unused coffee breaks may not be used to alter hours of work in any day. Breaks will be arranged to maintain at least minimal service in any area.


The Employer agrees that where possible and subject to the safe and efficient operation of the Employer, shift scheduling will be kept to a minimum of persons required on holidays, Saturdays and Sundays.