4.1 Union Membership
All employees who are now, or hereafter become, members of the Union shall maintain their membership in the Union as a condition of their employment, and all new employees whose employment commences hereafter shall, within twenty (20) calendar days after the commencement of their employment, apply for and maintain membership in the Union as a condition of their employment.
The Employer will direct all new employees to the Union Office as part of the normal enrollment procedure.
4.2 Deduction of Union Dues
The Employer shall deduct, as a condition of employment of the employees who are members or who become members of the Union, initiation fees, dues, and such other assessments as the Union may direct in writing through its Secretary-Treasurer, from the first pay cheque due in each month from each such employee and remit the same prior to the tenth day of the month following the calendar month in which such deduction is made, to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union, accompanied by a list of names of all employees for and on behalf of whom such deductions, whether initiation fees, dues or assessments were made, and for what months the individual deductions were made.
4.3 Access to Member Information
Access to member information shall be provided to the Union showing the names of all new employees covered by this Collective Agreement, and the date they were employed; also the names of all employees covered by this Collective Agreement who have left the Employer during the month, and the date of separation.
The Employer agrees to provide the Union with access to employment information for all employees in the bargaining unit which include their names, classifications, employment status and departments.
4.4 New Employees
The Employer agrees to acquaint new employees with the fact that a Collective Agreement is in effect, and with the conditions of employment set out in the Articles dealing with Union security and dues checkoff.
4.5 Interviewing Opportunity
Each new employee will be given the opportunity during the first month of employment, within regular working hours, of visiting the Union Office or meeting with the Steward or designated Union representative for the purpose of joining the Union and becoming acquainted with the rights and responsibilities of membership. Such absence shall not exceed one hour and will be taken at a time agreeable to the Union and the employee’s designated supervisor.
4.6 Dues Receipts
At the time that Income Tax (T4) slips are made available, the Employer shall include information on the amount of Union dues paid by each Union member in the previous year that is deductible for income tax purposes, subject to receipt of certification satisfactory to Canada Revenue Agency.
4.7 Time Off for Union Meetings
The Employer agrees to hold discussions with the Union concerning time off for employees to attend Union meetings.
4.8 Contracting Out
In order to provide job security for the members of the bargaining unit, the Employer agrees that it will not reduce pay or benefits or layoff any employees (during the usual period of active employment) or permanent employees in order to contract out the duties normally performed by members of the bargaining unit; nor will the Employer replace laid off permanent employees by contracting out the work which they would normally perform. Employees that are laid off will be subject to layoff provisions in Article 12.
At the request of either party, the Employer will convene a special meeting of the Union- Management Committee, in accordance with Article 5, to discuss issues of mutual concern related to contracting out.
4.9 Crossing Picket Lines During a Strike and Handling Goods
An employee covered by this Collective Agreement shall have the right to refuse to cross a picket line arising out of a labour dispute or to refuse to handle goods, commodities or products of another employer who is involved in a labour dispute with that employer's employees, providing by so doing, it does not result in property damage to the University.
This refusal shall not be grounds for disciplinary action, but if the refusal results in the employee(s) not being able to perform their normal duties and other work is not available, the employee(s) may immediately be taken off payroll until once again able to perform their normal duties.