18.1 Ranks


Employees shall be classified in accordance with Academic Ranks specified in Article 13.1.1.


Effective on July 1, of each year, an employee shall be assigned a rank from Article 13.1.1 in accordance with the procedures and provisions of Articles 13, 14 and 16.

18.2 Salaries


An employee’s 2023-2024 base salary shall be defined as the employee’s 2022-2023 base salary adjusted by increases as provided in Article 18.2.2.

An employee’s 2024-2025 base salary shall be defined as the employee’s 2023-2024 base salary adjusted by increases as provided in Article 18.2.2.

An employee’s 2025-2026 base salary shall be defined as the employee’s 2024-2025 base salary adjusted by increases as provided in Article 18.2.2.

An employee’s 2026-2027 base salary shall be defined as the employee’s 2025-2026 base salary adjusted by increases as provided in Article 18.2.2.

For an employee appointed in the academic year 2023-2024, 2024-2025, 2025-2026, or 2026-2027 this definition shall mean the annual salary agreed upon at the time of appointment.


Effective July 1, 2023, the Salary Scale adjustments referred to in Memorandum of Agreement No. 1, and the Career Development Increase adjustment as provided in Article 18.3 and any Special Salary Increases awarded under the provisions of Articles and shall be added to the 2022-2023 base salary of each employee.

Effective July 1, 2024, the Salary Scale adjustments referred to in Memorandum of Agreement No. 1, and the Career Development Increase adjustment as provided in Article 18.3 and any Special Salary Increases awarded under the provisions of Articles and shall be added to the 2023-2024 base salary of each employee.

Effective July 1, 2025 the Salary Scale adjustments referred to in Memorandum of Agreement No.1, and the Career Development Increase adjustment as provided in Article 18.3 and any Special Salary Increases awarded under the provisions of Articles and shall be added to the 2024-2025 base salary of each employee.

Effective July 1, 2026, the Salary Scale adjustments referred to in Memorandum of Agreement No. 1, and the Career Development Increase adjustment as provided in Article 18.3 and any Special Salary Increases awarded under the provisions of Articles and shall be added to the 2025-2026 base salary of each employee.

18.2.3 Career Development Increases

Career Development Increases shall have values as listed in the Schedule of Salaries. The number of Career Development Increases in each rank shall be listed in the Schedule of Salaries (Article 18.3).

The salary grids represent continuums whereby employees are entitled to the following: employees in the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, and Librarian may receive a career total of 19 Career Development Increases of value defined in Article 18.3, Instructors and Lecturers may receive 12 Career Development Increases of value defined in Article 18.3.

Except as provided for in Article 18.2.6 or awarded according to Article 17.5.7 an employee’s entitlement to receive an annual Career Development Increase shall be limited by the maximum CDI count for each rank as defined in Article 18.3. 

Career Development Increases advanced on appointment according to Article 18.2.6 or awarded according to Article 17.5.7, reduce the Career Development Increase entitlement within the rank and the career total accordingly.

Employees whose CDI count is a fraction below the maximum CDI count for the rank shall receive a fraction of a CDI to the maximum CDI count for the rank.

Disputes relating to the calculation of Career Development Increase entitlement shall be resolved by the Joint Committee for the Management of the Agreement.

18.2.4 Special Increases

Effective July 1, 2019, a Special Increase having value equal to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, or a maximum of 2.0 times the value of a Career Development Increase, may be awarded to an employee. The Employer shall notify the Association of the number and total cost of Special Increases annually and provide a list of employees receiving Special Increases that is classified by rank, administrative title, Department, College and amount of individual awards.

Special increases shall be paid retroactively to the preceding July 1 of each year. The procedures specified in Article 17 shall apply. For these procedures, the sum of money to be available for Special Increases shall consist of:

  1. effective July 1, 2019, the sum of money equivalent to 150 Career Development Increases, which shall be distributed among the Departments and non-departmentalized Colleges in proportion to the number of employees in each unit, for allocation in accordance with Article 17. In the event that the Department Committee does not award the entire sum, any funds remaining in this allotment shall be allocated to the College Review Committee;
  2. effective July 1, 2019, the sum of money equivalent to 120 Career Development Increases, which shall be distributed among the Colleges in proportion to the number of employees in each College, for allocation in accordance with Article 17. In the event that the College Salary Committee and College Review Committee do not award the entire sum, any funds remaining in this allotment shall be allocated to the President’s Review Committee; and
  3. effective July 1, 2019, the sum of money equivalent to 30 Career Development Increases to be available for award by the President’s Review Committee in accordance with Article 17. In the event that the President’s Review Committee does not award the entire sum, any funds remaining in this allotment shall be proportionally allocated to be used in the subsequent year’s salary review process;

For the purposes of this Article, the Library shall be considered to be a non-departmentalized College.

Effective July 1, 2007 the award of Special Increases does not reduce eligibility for Career Development Increases.


On promotion, an employee becomes eligible for Career Development Increases of the employee's new rank up to the CDI ceiling of the new rank.

18.2.6 Procedures for Setting Starting Salaries

Normally, the salary for new appointments shall be the floor of the appropriate rank if the candidate has no prior academic or related experience. In some cases there may be justifiable reasons to appoint a new faculty member at a salary above the floor of the appropriate rank. A starting salary above the floor of the appropriate rank shall be based on credible evidence according to the Guidelines for Starting Salary Recommendations, as approved by the Joint Committee for the Management of the Agreement, and the following procedures.

Credible evidence shall, at a minimum, include examination of the materials referred to in Article and evidence in writing that demonstrates that competitive or other conditions are such that it is not possible to hire the candidate at the floor of the appropriate rank.

The Guidelines for Starting Salary Recommendations, as approved by the Joint Committee for the Management of the Agreement, shall describe the criteria and evidentiary requirements for the determination of starting salaries including the assessment of competitive economic or other circumstances, prior academic or related experience, and meritorious achievement at other academic institutions (which may be based on factors such as years of experience in the appropriate rank and any additional factors that are considered relevant).

The guidelines, criteria and evidentiary requirements shall be provided to the Search Committees of each Department or non-departmentalized College and to the President’s Review Committee and shall be used for establishing the starting salary for all new employees. Changes to the Guidelines, criteria, and evidentiary requirements shall be approved by the Joint Committee for the Management of the Agreement.

Starting salaries shall not include any salary in addition to that provided for under the Collective Agreement.

Procedures stipulating the recommendation of starting salaries fall into one of the following five categories depending on the appropriate rank and recommended starting salary for the candidate. Procedures Applicable in All Cases

  1. The Search Committee of the Department or non-departmentalized College shall make a recommendation of the appropriate rank and salary for a candidate. The salary recommendation shall be comprised of a CDI count and Special Increase count. The starting salary of the candidate shall not be less than the recommended salary and may not be more than 2 CDIs or Special Increases above the recommended salary without referral back to the Search Committee;
  2. Appropriate rank means the academic rank commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications and experience and for which tenure and promotion to the next rank are reasonably attainable. Starting salary with a CDI count above the floor but within the appropriate rank of the candidate

  1. If the Search Committee finds on credible evidence that a starting salary at the floor of the appropriate rank would not be sufficient to recruit the candidate, it may recommend a starting salary within the appropriate rank;
  2. If the candidate has prior academic experience that was meritorious, the Search Committee may also recommend Special Increases as follows:
    1. Assistant Professor, Assistant Librarian, Lecturer, Instructor: Up to one Special Increase;
    2. Associate Professor, Associate Librarian: Up to two Special Increases;
    3. Professor, Librarian: Up to three Special Increases;
  3. The Search Committee shall provide documented evidence and justification with its recommendation. Starting salary with a CDI count above the appropriate rank of the candidate by 3 CDIs or less (Professor and Librarian excluded)

  1. If the Search Committee finds on credible evidence that a starting salary within the limitations of Article would not be sufficient to recruit the candidate, it may recommend a salary that is no more than three CDIs above the appropriate rank;
  2. If the candidate has prior academic experience that was meritorious, the Search Committee may also recommend Special Increases in the following manner:
    1. Assistant Professor, Assistant Librarian: Up to one Special Increase;
    2. Associate Professor, Associate Librarian: Up to two Special Increases;
  3. The Search Committee shall provide documented evidence and justification with its recommendation. Starting salary with a CDI count above the appropriate rank of the candidate by more than 3 CDIs (Professor and Librarian excluded)

  1. If the Search Committee finds on credible evidence that a starting salary within the limitations of Article would not be sufficient to recruit the candidate, it may recommend a starting salary up to the CDI ceiling of one rank above the appropriate rank;
  2. If the candidate has prior academic experience that was meritorious, the Search Committee may also recommend Special Increases in the following manner:
    1. Assistant Professor, Assistant Librarian: Up to two Special Increases;
    2. Associate Professor and Associate Librarian: Up to five Special Increases;
  3. The Search Committee shall provide documented evidence and justification with its recommendation;
  4. With the support of the Dean, the salary recommendation shall be forwarded to the President’s Review Committee;
  5. The President’s Review Committee shall endorse the recommendation of the Search Committee or substitute a starting salary that it considers justified on the documented evidence, and forward its decision to the Search Committee and the Provost and Vice-President Academic. Starting salary for Professor and Librarian with a maximum CDI count

  1. If the Search Committee finds on credible evidence that a starting salary within the limitations of Article would not be sufficient to recruit a candidate at the rank of Professor or Librarian, it may recommend a starting salary consisting of the CDI ceiling and a number of Special Increases within the following constraints:
    1. for Professor: up to 17 Special Increases
    2. for Librarian: up to 13 Special Increases
  2. The Search Committee shall provide documented evidence and justification with its recommendation;
  3. With the support of the Dean, the salary recommendation shall be forwarded to the President’s Review Committee;
  4. The President’s Review Committee shall endorse the recommendation of the Search Committee or substitute a starting salary that it considers justified on the documented evidence, and forward its decision to the Search Committee and the Provost and Vice-President Academic. Higher Starting Salary in Rare and Exceptional Circumstances

  1. In rare and exceptional circumstances and on compelling evidence of economic or other conditions, the Search Committee may recommend a starting salary for a candidate that is above the limits set out in Articles and above. In no case shall the starting salary that is recommended exceed the limits set out below:
    1. Assistant Professor, Assistant Librarian: up to the CDI ceiling of highest rank, or the CDI ceiling of highest rank plus up to 6 Special Increases;
    2. Associate Professor, Associate Librarian: CDI ceiling of highest rank plus up to 10 Special Increases;
    3. Professor and Librarian: CDI ceiling of rank plus up to 28 Special Increases;
  2. The Search Committee shall provide documented evidence and justification with its recommendation;
  3. With the support of the Dean, the salary recommendation shall be forwarded to the President’s Review Committee;
  4. The President’s Review Committee shall support the recommendation of the Search Committee or substitute a starting salary that it considers justified on the documented evidence, and forward its decision to the Search Committee and the Provost and Vice-President Academic.

The parties agree that the maximum number of active appointments at any given time for Articles, and combined may not exceed 40, unless approved by the Joint Committee for the Management of the Agreement. All appointments since July 1, 2007 shall be included for the purposes of this article.

  1. For Article, an appointee is classified as active until promoted to the next rank;
  2. For Article, an appointee is classified as active for 5 years from the date of appointment; 
  3. For Article, an appointee is classified as active:
    1. until promoted to the highest rank for Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian;
    2. for 8 years from the date of appointment for Professor and Librarian.

The Employer shall provide a monthly summary of active appointments and newly recruited employees by category of the appointment, rank, starting salary, and allocation of CDIs and Special Increases.

18.3 Schedule of Salaries

18.4 Payment of Salaries


Employees shall be paid salaries in accordance with the Ranks (Article 18.1), the Schedule of Salaries (Article 18.3), Overload Remuneration (Article 18.5), and Administrative Remuneration (Article 18.8).


Salaries shall be paid by cheque during the month they have been earned or, if authorized, directly into the employee's account at any bank, credit union, or other financial institution, according to a list of such institutions that has been agreed to jointly by the Employer and the Association.


Notwithstanding Article 18.4.2, certain special academic assignments such as overload teaching, or for other extraordinary teaching or non-teaching assignments, by agreement between the Employer and the Association, may be paid according to an arrangement other than monthly payments, but in any case shall be paid in full on completion of such teaching or other academic assignments.


Each employee shall be provided with an itemized statement of salary, supplementary pay, and deductions at least once a year and at such other times as there is a change in the employee's salary, supplementary pay, or deductions.

18.5 Overload Remuneration


The assignment to teach classes as overload whether on-campus or off-campus, shall be made by the Department Head (or the Dean in non-departmentalized Colleges) following consultation with the departmental (or College) faculty in committee, subject to the approval of the Dean. In accordance with departmental (or non-departmentalized College) policy, faculty may be given right of first refusal to teach any course which is offered by the University on an overload basis.

Effective July 1, 2024, the stipend for teaching a three credit course or equivalent as overload shall be $8,000.

In addition, in recognition of the inconvenience of teaching an extra six credit unit course off-campus, the employee shall receive an extra $500 or $750 depending on whether the location in which the course is taught is outside the city, but less than 160 kilometers, or 160 kilometers or more in radius from Saskatoon.


Effective July 1, 1978, an employee teaching in a non-degree program shall receive a minimum of $22.00 per contact hour.


The stipend for a course less than six credit units shall be calculated on a pro rata basis.


Employees in the College of Veterinary Medicine who have received extra compensation for the care of animals and other duties shall continue to be paid according to past practices, unless otherwise approved by the Joint Committee for the Management of the Agreement.


An employee may receive extra compensation for certain extraordinary teaching or non-teaching assignments, including assignments to clinical service. Individual or aggregate payments which exceed $500 to one employee in any academic year will be reported to the Association. Payments in excess of $8,000 to one employee in any academic year require the approval of the Joint Committee for the Management of the Agreement.

The development and teaching of courses on Indigenization, decolonization or reconciliation by employees whose academic training and expertise lies elsewhere may be considered an extraordinary teaching assignment.


Effective July 1, 1990, the overload stipend payable to an employee tutoring and marking an Independent Study course shall be set at 3.7% of the normal overload stipend, as set out in Articles 18.5.1 and 18.5.3, for each student enrolled in the class up to and including 27 students. When there are more than 27 students enrolled, the stipend will amount to $100 for each additional student. The minimum stipend for an Independent Study course shall be $1,000 for a six-credit unit course and $500 for a three-credit unit course. Courses with more or fewer credit units will be prorated accordingly.

18.6 Outside Consulting, Employment and Clinical Practice


Employees are entitled to engage in consulting, employment, and clinical practice outside of the University, provided that it does not interfere with the assigned duties of the employee. Employees shall consult with their Department Head, or Dean in the case of non-departmentalized Colleges, before making a commitment to engage in consulting, employment, or clinical practice outside the university and do so at least once a year in case such activities continue, to determine if the proposed work may interfere with their assigned duties. If outside consulting, employment, or clinical practice will interfere with the employee's assigned duties, the employee must first obtain written approval from the employee's Department Head, Dean, and the President before accepting such work. Consulting, employment, and clinical practice outside of the University are recognized to be essential in many academic and professional fields.


All outside consulting, employment, and clinical practice in excess of 12 working days per year, except that performed on weekends, vacations, and holidays, shall be reported annually to the Department Head, Dean, and the President on a form prepared for that purpose.


For work outside the University, an employee may charge and retain a fee appropriate to the nature of the work.


All fees received for testing, analysis, and consultation, or from clinical practice in the Colleges of Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine, that are part of an employee's assigned duties shall be paid to the University and credited to the general fund of the University Operating Budget.


Permission to use University facilities, services, or materials by an employee for outside work and consulting must be obtained from the Dean. A reasonable charge may be made for such use.


Clinical Earnings and professional fees received by clinicians in the College of Medicine that arise from clinical duties are not subject to the provisions of this Agreement. It is recognized that these earnings and fees may be used to support faculty positions in the College of Medicine as described in Article 35.


Clinicians in the College of Dentistry are entitled to devote two half-days a week to private practice outside of assigned duties.


The University of Saskatchewan permits its faculty members to undertake private consulting work in accordance with the terms of this Article and under certain conditions, including time availability. When such faculty members are acting in their capacity as private professional consultants, the University disclaims any and all liability for the quality of the advice given and for the results of any actions taken by clients acting thereon.

18.7 Salaries of Employees on Leave


Employees shall receive the salary adjustments as provided in Article 18.2.2 when they are: 

  1. on sabbatical leave;
  2. on leave with pay including court leave;
  3. on financially supported educational leave under Article 21.6; 
  4. on leave without pay to take up an appointment as a visiting scholar at another university.


An employee on disability leave under Article 21.8 earns full entitlement to a Career Development Increase for the academic year in which the disability first occurs.


An employee on disability leave under Article 21.8 is entitled, in any period of such leave following the year in which the disability first occurs, to a Career Development Increase in accordance with the following guidelines:

  1. for leaves of three months or less - full Career Development Increase;
  2. for leaves of more than three months and less than ten months - one-half Career Development Increase;
  3. for leaves of ten months or more - no Career Development Increase.

Exceptions from the guidelines in Article 18.7.3 may be approved by the Joint Committee for the Management of the Agreement acting on the recommendation of the Vice-President Academic and Provost.


Career Development Increases shall be earned during the first year of leaves without pay. Entitlement to Career Development Increases to be earned during subsequent periods of leave without pay granted for purposes of research and scholarly work (as defined by the College Standards on Promotion and Tenure) and other academic activity shall be approved by the Vice-President Academic and Provost if recommended by the Department Head and Dean (or Dean of a non-departmentalized College).


All employees on leave are eligible to be considered for special increases and promotions, and shall receive the benefit of any general scale adjustments authorized during the period of leave.


A list of all employees on leave without pay, indicating whether they are entitled to Career Development Increases, shall be provided annually to the Joint Committee for the Management of the Agreement.


An employee on parental leave under Article 21.7 shall earn entitlement to a Career Development Increase for the first year of the leave.

18.8 Administrative Remuneration for Department Heads and Assistant Deans


Effective July 1, 2014, an administrative stipend of $12,000 per annum shall be paid to Department Heads and Assistant Deans. The annual stipend will be paid by monthly installments.

Acting Department Heads and Acting Assistant Deans appointed by the Board for a period exceeding six continuous weeks shall receive the same monthly installment.


An employee who is or becomes entitled to a stipend under Article 18.8.1 shall receive an allowance for accountable professional expenses in addition to the amount to which the employee is entitled under Article 22.12. This amount shall be the equivalent in the case of Department Heads of $40 per full-time faculty member in the department, with a minimum of $200. Assistant Deans will be entitled to $500.

Acting Department Heads and acting Assistant Deans appointed by the Board for a period exceeding six continuous weeks shall have the amount prorated.


Effective July 1, 2024, employees who serve as Department Heads or Assistant Deans shall be entitled to have $5,000 annually placed into a research account. Individuals appointed as Department Heads or Assistant Deans on an acting basis for more than six continuous weeks and less than one year shall have the amount prorated. Individuals who do not complete a full year of service shall have the annual amount reduced by the period of service that was not completed. The account shall be used to cover legitimate expenses associated with research activities.


Names and salaries of Special Lecturers and anomalies will be supplied to the Association by October 15 each year.

18.10 Stipend for Chairs


Chair holders shall normally be appointed at salaries comparable to those of other faculty with similar qualifications and experience. In some cases to be competitive in recruiting and retaining top scholars and to recognize the distinction of holding a Chair, Chair holders may be eligible for a Chair stipend for as long as they hold the Chair. The value of the annual stipend shall be established at the time of appointment, based on a recommendation from the Search Committee. This stipend shall not form part of the base salary and will be paid on a monthly basis.

On an initial appointment as a Chair, stipends shall normally have a value within a specified range equal to between 2 to 4 Career Development Increments (CDIs) for a junior Chair or 4 to 6 CDIs for a senior Chair. Upon reappointment to a Chair position, stipends may be increased to between 4 to 6 CDIs for a junior chair or 6 to 8 CDIs for a senior Chair.