Effective: September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2025
1. Sessional Lecturers Stipend
2. Applied Music Instructors
3. Non-Accountable Professional Allowance
The non-accountable professional allowance has been rolled into the salary component effective September 1, 2003.
4. Travel and Inconvenience Allowance
Subject to the following conditions, employees required to travel to teach a course will be reimbursed for their travel expenses and will receive an inconvenience allowance:
- If an individual resides in Saskatoon and is appointed to teach in a location other than Saskatoon, that individual will be eligible in accordance with past practice.
- If an individual resides in a location other than Saskatoon and is appointed to teach either in Saskatoon or outside of Saskatoon, that individual will be eligible when agreed to in advance by the Employer.
- In cases where a course taught at an off-campus location requires an individual to travel to that location more than once a week, the allowance shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the prorated sessional lecturer stipend.
Travel expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the prevailing University policy (4.20.02). Sessional lecturers will be expected to participate in car pools whenever reasonable.
The inconvenience allowance shall amount to an extra ten percent (10%) of the prorated Sessional lecturer stipend if the course location is sixty (60) kilometers or more from the employee's normal residence or an extra fifteen percent (15%) of the prorated stipend if the course location is one-hundred and sixty (160) kilometers or more from the employee's normal residence.
5. Duties Outside Normal Time Parameters
Employees who are required to set or grade special deferred or special supplemental exams shall be remunerated on the basis of twenty dollars ($20.00) per student.
6. Course Development
Funding for course development during the terms of this Agreement will be provided as follows:
- When, with the approval of the department head or Dean, an employee develops a new course or a new offering for a Special Topics course, the employee will be paid a stipend as determined by the Course Development Stipend Scale below and credited with equivalent teaching credits for the purposes of acquiring the right of first refusal and priority. The stipend and teaching credits may be prorated in the event that more than one person is responsible for the course development.
Scale for allocating course development stipend where 1.0 equals one full stipend:
- 1.0 Full development of a new course to be entered into the calendar as part of a continuing program.
- 1.0 Full development of a Special Topics Course that will be offered at most a few times and is a new course development not previously offered.
- 0.5 Extensive re-working of an existing course, determined and approved by the Dean.