22.1 Itemized Statement
The Employer will provide, on each pay day, to each employee an itemized statement of wages showing the month, hours, rates, deductions, etc. Personal material will be provided confidentially through the Personal Access to Website Services (PAWS) program.
22.2 Administrative Errors
Administrative errors relative to an employee's salary or fringe benefits will be adjusted, but in such a way as to not prejudice the rights of the employee.
22.3 Notice of Resignation and Retirement
An employee is expected to give as much notice as possible when terminating employment or retiring, but in any event will be required to provide not less than fourteen (14) days' notice when terminating and ninety (90) days when retiring.
An employee may withdraw a resignation up to the end of the working day following the day the resignation is submitted.
The Employer agrees to waive some or all required notice of retirement in extenuating circumstances.
22.4 Provision of Tools
The Employer shall supply all tools and equipment required by the employee in the performance of the employee's duties. Replacement will be made by producing the worn or broken tool. The employee shall return all tools and equipment upon termination.
22.5 Rules and Regulations
When the Employer introduces new rules or regulations concerning employees' conduct on Employer premises or during working hours, copies will be posted and also forwarded to the Union office. Such rules and regulations will be reasonable and will not be inconsistent with any article in the Collective Agreement.
22.6 Uniforms and Protective Clothing
Adequate uniforms will be provided to employees in Security, Caretaking and Culinary Services. All articles of the uniform shall be returned to the Employer when no longer required in the performance of duties.
Adequate protective clothing will be provided by the departments when the duties performed by an employee are abnormal or which will result in the employee's clothing being destroyed or rendered unfit for further use. This does not include normal wear. The type and article of clothing provided will be determined by the department. Upon presentation of proof of need, parkas shall be provided.
22.7 Transportation
If an employee's shift normally starts or ends when public transportation is not available, and they are having difficulty getting to/from work due to the fact they normally rely on public transportation, they will contact their Dean, Administrative Head or designate or supervisor so that special arrangements/accommodations can be considered with reimbursement of taxi costs as appropriate.
22.8 Access to Personnel File
Each employee will, after having made an appointment with Human Resources, have reasonable access to the contents of their file. The review will be conducted in the presence of a Human Resources representative. The employee may assign in writing the right to review their file to their Union representative. Upon request the employee shall be provided with copies of documents in the file at the employee's expense. The employee may add a signed and dated response to any material in the file. Material not present in the file may not be used in any decision under Articles 8, 9, 12, or 13 without that information being made available to the employee.
22.9 Special Circumstances Severance
In unusual or extenuating circumstances, as determined by the Employer and with the agreement of the Union, a permanent employee who signs an agreement to terminate employment will be entitled to severance pay of two (2) weeks' pay at the employee's current rate of pay for every year or partial year of service to a maximum of fifteen (15) months' pay. The payment will be calculated to the date the employee leaves the permanent position or a succeeding term position, whichever is later.