Target Date Defined Contribution

Employees contribute 6.82% of pensionable earnings to plan
Employer contributes 6.82% of pensionable earnings to plan
Account value at retirement is determined by contributions and investment gains and losses
Contributions are invested and re-balanced for risk automatically in a Target Date fund based on the employee's normal retirement date
Retirees can access their account balance to provide income for their retirement
New employees are enroled and vested immediately in the pension plan.
0.5 ft and an appointment greater than 6 months
Early retirement age is 55 with no reductions

Target Benefit Pension Plan

Employees contribute 7.5% of pensionable earnings to plan
Employer contributes 7.5% of pensionable earnings to plan
Monthly benefit defined by a set formula
1.75% x Best average earnings (20 years) x pensionable service (month and years in plan)
Retirees receive Post Retirement Cost of Living Adjustment = 40% inflation
Plan trustees, along with investment experts, choose where and how much
to invest
Retirees receive monthly benefit for their lifetime
New employees are enroled and vested immediately in the pension plan.
0.5 ft and an appointment greater than 6 months
Early retirement age is 55 or Rule of 80 with a 3% reduction/year to age 65
RULE OF 80 = age + service
In case of significant surplus or shortfall, a prioritized, predefined list of benefit changes are in place to bring the pension back into balance