3.1 Advertising of Positions

The university is committed to advertising all positions to provide opportunities throughout the university and in the community, and to encourage applications from a diverse group of individuals. There may be reasons for waiving advertising of positions, for example, reasons of exigency, to support a strong internal candidate or for a workplace accommodation. Such waivers may occur following consultation with Human Resources.

3.2 Selection

Selection decisions will be based on merit. The best candidate for the position will be selected based on qualifications and experience of the candidate compared to the needs of the position.

3.3 Probation

All exempt staff will serve a one-year probationary period. If during this period of time, the employee does not meet the expectations of the position, employment may be terminated with minimum notice periods (as defined in provincial employment standards legislation). Probationary periods also apply to promotions and transfers within the exempt staff group. In the event that a probationary employee has previous continuous service with the university, and is not successful during the probationary period in a new position, the provisions of Item 11 will apply.