Academic Year is defined as the period July 1 to June 30.
Associate Vice-President of People and Resources refers to the associate vice-president of people and resources of the university or a person designated to act in her/his place.
The Board of Governors consists of members appointed pursuant to the University of Saskatchewan Act. The Board of Governors is responsible for overseeing and directing all matters respecting the management, administration and control of the university’s property, revenues and financial affairs.
Employer refers to the University of Saskatchewan.
ConnectionPoint is a service office available to assist with processing of financial and payroll transactions, as well as to provide answers and guidance for questions related to facilities, financial, and human resources matters.
Department or Unit refers to an academic or administrative department, a college, a school, an institute, an administrative unit, a division or the library.
Employee refers to individuals employed by the University of Saskatchewan. For the purposes of this handbook, it refers to non-unionized employees.
Fiscal Year is defined as the period May 1 to April 30.
FTE refers to full-time equivalent.
Non-unionized employees refers to employees who are not in-scope of a bargaining unit. This group does not include employees who are exempt from membership in a bargaining unit by virtue of their job duties (covered under the Exempt Handbook), or senior administrators (deans, associate deans, associate vice-presidents, etc.). In this handbook, non-unionized employees are also referred to as employees.
President refers to the president of the University of Saskatchewan or his/her designate.
Principal Investigator “Principal Investigator” or “PI” means the individual responsible for the intellectual leadership of a research project or research program. For a clinical trial, the PI is defined as the person responsible for the conduct of clinical research at a research site, which is where the clinical trial related activities are conducted. A principal investigator may be a supervisor of non-unionized employees.
HR SBA is the Human Resources Strategic Business Advisor assigned to the college. Human Resources SBAs support colleges, schools, and units in achieving goals, priorities and operational objectives by providing advice on HR issues-management, including employee and labour relations matters and associated processes.
Supervisor refers to the employee to whom an employee reports, such as a faculty member, principal investigator, or staff supervisor, and who is authorized by the university to direct the work of another employee.
Types of Employees
Term Employees refers to an employee hired for a stated and defined period of time.
Casual Employees refers to an employee whose hours of work are for brief or irregular periods.