
Employees shall not be required to work, and shall suffer no loss of pay or benefits, on any of the following University holidays:

  1. New Years Day
  2. Family Day
  3. Good Friday
  4. Victoria Day
  5. Canada Day
  6. Saskatchewan Day
  7. Labour Day
  8. The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30)
  9. Thanksgiving Day
  10. Remembrance Day
  11. Christmas Day
  12. Boxing Day


The Supervisor will attempt to accommodate the interests of employees in their religious or cultural observances. If an Employee’s request for leave is approved, the Employee and the Supervisor shall develop a plan to ensure they can meet their work requirements while also being able to observe the religious or cultural observance. The plan may include use of the Employee’s vacation leave, time-in-lieu, or leave without pay.


Should any of the holidays under Article 28.01 fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the University shall declare an alternative day as the holiday. This will normally be the Friday preceding or the Monday following the holiday.


When an Employee is required by the employer to perform work on the holiday, the Employee shall receive time in lieu in the amount of one and one half (1.5) times for the actual hours worked on any of these days.


When the University is closed between December 25 and January 1, employees will be given time off without loss of pay and without any requirement to use any additional leave. If, due to the requirements of the appointment, the employee must work during this period, they shall be given equivalent time off for all time worked at a future, mutually agreeable date.